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【学术报告】Phase diagram of holographic thermal dense OCD matter with rotation
2023-06-15 21:12  

Title: Phase diagram of holographic thermal dense OCD matter with rotation

Speaker: 侯德富 教授 华中师范大学

   侯德富华中师范大学二级教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才资助许划获得者。聘教授,获奖人获湖北省自然科学二等奖。德国洪等奖,两次以第一.究奖学金。主要从事有限温度量子场论及其应用的研究。 在热输运系数,夸克物质理论 QGP,CME/CVE”等方面做出了二系列有意义的工作。在国内外权威2h上发表学术论文100余篇,其中Phys.Rev.Lett.2篇,JHEP 8篇。教授多次应邀在重要国际会议上作大会报告。候德富教授主持完成多项国家自然基金委面上项目,参与承担多项国家基金委重点项目和”973”项目,目前主持国家自然基金委重点项目一项:极端条件下手征物质新型态的研究 (2018/01-2022/12)。


  We study the rotation effects of the hot and dense OCD matter in a nonperturbative regime by the gauge/gravity duality. We use the gravitational model thatis designated to match the state-of-the-art lattice data on the thermal properties oi(2+1)-flavor OCD and predict the location of the critical endpoint and the first-ordeiphase transition line at large baryon chemical potential without rotation. Afteiintroducing the angular velocity via a local Lorentz boost,we investigate thethermodynamic quantities for the system under rotation in a self-consistent way. Wfind that the critical temperature and baryon chemical potentidl associated with theOCD phase transition decrease as the angular velocity increases. Moreover, someinteresting phenomena are observed near the critical endpoint. We then construct the3-dimensional phase diagram of the OCD matter in terms of temperature, baryonchemical potential, and angular velocity. As a parallel investigation, we also considetthe gravitational model of $SU(3)$ pure gluon system, for which the 2-dimensiondphase diagram associated with temperature and angular velocity has been predictedThe corresponding thermodynamic quantities with rotation are investigated.

时间&地点:2023年6月10日 9:30-10:30,物理学院322
