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【学术报告】Testing Gravitational Theories with Broken Lorentz Symmetry by Gravitational Wave and Black Hole Observations
2023-07-16 14:31  

Titile: Testing Gravitational Theories with Broken Lorentz Symmetry by Gravitational Wave and Black Hole Observations

Speaker: 王安忠 教授



  王安忠教授长期致力于国际合作,在他的研究领域已经建立了多个国际合作平台,并多次应邀主持国际会议。他长期致力于年青人才的培养, 已指导40余名博士后、博士及硕士生出站、毕业。现为四个国际学术刊物编委、以及二十几个国际学术刊物、基金会的项目评审专家。


Einstein-aether theory is a particular type of the general vector-tensor theory, and the vector field is always time-like, so it defines a preferred direction and locally breaks the Lorentz symmetry. Yet, it is self-consistent (free of ghosts, instabilities, and so on), and consistent with all observations carried out so far. Its Cauchy problem is also well posed. In addition, due to the presence of the aether, three different species of gravitons, the spin-0, spin-1, and spin-2, exist, and gravitational waves (GWs) have six non-vanishing polarization modes. These are dramatically different from those of Einstein’s General Relativity and provide excellent opportunity to test the theory in the strong-field regime.

In this talk, I shall present our recent studies on testing Einstein-aether theory by GW and black hole observations. In particular, I shall show that the GW observations already reduce the four free coupling constants of the theory to two, and future observations of GWs and black holes shall further constrain the theory.

报告时间&地点: 2023年7月18日14:00, 物理学院425
