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【学术报告2410】Revisiting the approach with the covariant phase formalism for the asymptotic symmetry analysis in the pure AdS3 gravity
2024-08-09 10:56  

Title:Revisiting the approach with the covariant phase formalism for the asymptotic symmetry analysis in the pure AdS3 gravity


    吴洁强博士,2008年至2012年在北京大学物理学院获得学士学位,‌2012年至2017年在北京大学攻读并获得博士学位,2017.09 - 2021.06麻省理工学院博士后,2021-2022年加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校博士后。2022年受聘中科院理论物理研究所,任副研究员。其研究方向为量子引力和黑洞物理。他现在的研究重点是引力的哈密顿形式。


  In this talk, we revisit the approach with the covariant phase space formalism for the asymptotic symmetry analysis in the pure AdS3 gravity. We modify the approach to a version which is exactly in the framework of Noether’s theorem. And the key point in the modification is to take a systematical treatment of the boundary effects. In particular, we start from defining the pure AdS3 gravity in Lagrangian formalism,where we adopt proper asymptotic boundary conditions, and we take holographic renor-malization in the off-shell level. We then follow Noether’s theorem step by step with acareful treatment of the boundary terms. Following our modified approach, we get the following two results. First, we show that the asymptotic symmetries are indeed symmetries of the pure AdS3 gravity in the sense of Noether’s theorem. Second, we compute the associated charges of the asymptotic symmetries with the equation of Noether charge, which reproduces the same result from the ordinarily used approach with the covariant phase space formalism.

2024-08-06, 10:00AM

