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【学术报告2411】Spin Alignment as a Dissipative Structure In Heavy-ion Collisions
2024-09-14 15:18  

Title: Spin Alignment as a Dissipative Structure In Heavy-ion Collisions

Speaker: 李峰,湖南大学访问研究员,2016年于德州农工大学取得物理学博士学位,随后前往法兰克福高等研究员从事博士后工作至2018年,2019-2024年以青年研究员身份入职兰州大学,并于2024年入职湖南大学。报告人长期从事高能核物理领域的理论研究,致力于对量子色动力学相变性质、临界现象以及自旋极化等课题的探索。


The unexpected large spin alignments of the vector mesons in heavy-ion collisions, and their interesting dependencies on centralities, transverse momenta and particle species, are the new puzzles raised by the recent experiments. In this talk, I will show that these spin alignments might be the natural consequences of the dissipative processes, such as diffusion and viscous damping, where the system is driven away from local equilibrium.  As a novel dissipative structure in spin space, the resulted spin alignments are sensitive to the interactions between the vector mesons and the medium, which, in our theory, are encoded in the medium modification on the mesonic spectral functions.  This makes the spin alignments novel probes of the in-medium spectral properties of the vector mesons. On the other hand, these spectral dependencies may naturally transform into the dependencies of the spin alignments on centralities, transverse momenta and particle species, indicating the potential capabilities of these dissipative machineries on describing the experimental data.

2024-08-16, 2:00PM 物理学院422
