Title: Anomalous transports from holography
Speaker: 卜严严
Abstract: We revisit the transport properties induced by the chiral anomaly in a charged plasma holographically dual to anomalous U(1)_V*U(1)_A Maxwell theory in Schwarzschild-AdS_5. Off-shell constitutive relations for vector and axial currents are derived using various approximations. a) In a weak external field approximation, the constitutive relations have all-order derivatives resummed. We generalise the chiral magnetic and chiral separation effects. b) Nonlinear transport is studied assuming presence of constant background external fields. c) For a static spatially-inhomogeneous external magnetic field, gradient corrections to CME/CSE are analytically evaluated up to third order in the derivative expansion. Some of the third order gradient corrections lead to an anomaly-induced negative B^2-correction to the diffusion constant. We also find non-linear in B modifications to the chiral magnetic wave (CMW).
2017-09-29, 10:15AM, 物理学院322