Title: Decomposition of multipartite permutation invariant state and its application to entanglement witness
Speaker: 马雄峰
Tremendous efforts have been devoted to increase the number of controllable qubits in several quantum computing systems. For these implementations, it is crucial to certify the fidelity of the prepared multipartite quantum state as a base for further information processing. In this talk, I shall present a systematic method using very few local observables to measure the fidelity between a symmetric state and an unknown prepared state. The key is to decompose fidelity projection measure (a N-partite observable) with permutation symmetry using only $(N+1)(N+2)/2$ local measurement settings. This method is particularly effective for the fidelity estimation and entanglement detection of permutation-invariant states, such as the W state and Dicke states.
2021-4-16, 9:30AM, 腾讯会议