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【学术报告】相对论重离子碰撞中QCD相图的实验研究 [2023/06/15] 
【学术报告】Phase diagram of holographic thermal dense OCD matter with rotati... [2023/06/15] 
【学术报告】Schwinger-Keldysh Club Seminar 2023-I U(1) quasi-hydrodynamics: e... [2023/06/15] 
【学术报告】Polarized images of charged particles in vortical motions around ... [2023/06/15] 
【学术报告】General mass forumlas for charged Kerr-Ads black holes [2023/06/12] 
【学术报告】Quantum Capacity and Thermodynamics of Spacetime [2023/04/13] 
2021理论物理研究所新生见面会召开 [2021/09/17] 
【学术报告】The distillability of entanglement of bipartite reduced density m... [2021/04/07] 
【学术报告】Decomposition of multipartite permutation invariant state and its... [2021/04/07] 
【学术报告】量子Ising链中的非零温量子相变 [2021/04/07] 
【学术报告】Floquet engineering in quantum systems [2020/12/15] 
2020理论物理研究所新生见面会召开 [2020/09/19] 
【学术报告】N-Phonon Bundle Emission via the Stokes Process [2020/06/22] 
【学术报告】腔光力系统中多个力学振子的基态冷却 [2020/06/22] 
【学术报告】大连理工大学理论物理系列报告 [2019/12/22] 
由我校承办的第五届LHC物理研讨会顺利闭幕 [2019/11/02] 
【学术报告】利用克尔介质实现对量子态的操控 [2019/10/26] 
【学术报告】Detection of genuinely entangled and nonseparable multipartite qu... [2019/10/26] 
【学术报告】Weyl Anomaly Induced Current and Holography [2019/09/16] 
【学术报告】量子佯谬:从GHZ定理到Hardy佯谬 [2019/09/08] 
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